Figen Tekiner

The artist graduated from Istanbul University Hasan Ali Yücel Faculty of Education, Department of Art History in 2016 with the first ranking with her "Monograph Study, in which he examined the Architectural and Illumination Features of Fatih, Mehmed Aga Complex". In the same year, she completed her pedagogical formation education and within the scope of the restoration of Fatih Kazasker İvaz Efendi Mosque, she designed the dome, the drum, pendant and other interior decoration in accordance with the original using the interior photographs of the mosque from 1947; this work was applied as pencil work in the restoration.

The artist, who started her illumination education with Emel Türkmen in 2000, received her illumination ijazah (authorisation) in 2005. In 2010, she started flower painting training with Orhan Dağlı and in the same year she was awarded the Artist Promotion Card for Turkish Ornamental Arts by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism. In 2017-2018, she received training on paper conservation and restoration from Saadet Gazi. In 2017, she participated in the "Masters of Türkiye" project as an artist of Marmara Region.

She started her master's degree at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in 2018 and completed her master's degree in 2022 with her thesis titled "Examination of Tughra Illuminations Made Between the 15th and 20th Centuries in Terms of Colour, Motif and Design" ("15. ve 20. Yüzyıllar Arasında Yapılmış Tuğra Tezhiplerinin Renk, Motif ve Tasarım Açısından İncelenmesi"). The artist continues her works in the field of illumination and miniature in her workshop "Musanna Art" in Istanbul and trains students.