3rd International Yeditepe Biennial is Near: Ömer Faruk Boyacı completes the installation of his work ‘Vech’ in Nuruosmaniye Cellar

Preparations for the 3rd International Yeditepe Biennial are underway. The Artist Ömer Faruk Boyacı's interactive work ‘Vech’ in the Nuruosmaniye Mosque Cellar stands out with its structure that involves art lovers in the process.

Preparations for the 3rd Yeditepe Biennial are in full swing. Ömer Faruk Boyacı's ‘Vech’, one of the works that will be included in the scope of the Biennial, comes to life in the Nuruosmaniye Mosque Cellar. ‘Vech’, which emerged from the artist's meticulous work in the field, offers art lovers not only a visual experience but also an opportunity for active participation.

‘Vech’ has an interactive structure that invites the viewer to become a part of the work by exceeding the format of a classical artwork. The work is based on the idea of eliminating the boundaries between art and the audience. This work, which integrates with the historical texture of Nuruosmaniye Mosque, transforms the atmosphere of the place into an artistic experience and promises a meaningful journey to the viewers.

Ömer Faruk Boyacı, the Artist paid great attention to the details by personally working in the field during the installation of the work. The process of the creation of the work was shaped in a way that was sensitive to the physical and cultural characteristics of the site. Mr. Boyacı states that the interactive structure underlying his work will not only be limited to observing the art, but also aims to create a multi-dimensional experience by involving the viewer in this process.

The 3rd Yeditepe Biennial draws attention this year as an important organisation that brings Istanbul's cultural and historical heritage together with art. The Biennial offers a wide range of content to culture and art enthusiasts by exhibiting the original works of artists from different disciplines. Especially in historical places such as Nuruosmaniye Mosque Cellar, the events bring together those who are interested in both art and history.

‘Vech’ by Mr. Boyacı is one of the remarkable works of the biennial. This work offers viewers not only the opportunity to encounter a work of art, but also the chance to live an experience that spans space and time. Prepared in harmony with the spirit of the Nuruosmaniye Mosque Cellar, ‘Vech’ redefines the spatial and emotional boundaries of art.

The 3rd Yeditepe Biennial is preparing to bring art lovers together in this unique atmosphere that blends history and art. The work will be on view during the biennial and viewers will have the opportunity to explore both the art and the space. ‘Vech’, which comes to life in the Nuruosmaniye Mosque Cellar, will once again reveal the transformative power of art.